All great industries started small and undistinguished; some of them even started under a cloud of disapproval, doubt, or public indifference. Henry Ford struggled to make Americans car-conscious. Alexander Graham Bell had to fight oceans of folklore that claimed his new-fangled telephone would conduct lightning bolts during thunderstorms. Even Thomas Edison had to fight against the oil monopolies, which supplied America with kerosene for their lamps, because they conducted whispering campaigns to scare the public into thinking that electric light bulbs would explode at the drop of a hat or leak lethal electricity into the home. It all sounds ridiculous today, but there is rarely ever a new discovery or important refinement in an existing product that doesn’t meet with some skepticism and even hostility.
Today the hemp industry faces those same kinds of challenges, according to NanosolPro Hemp. Even though the hemp plant has been around for ages, and has been put to use by indiginous people all over the world for everything from clothing to rope to medicine, it is still an industry that is, so to speak, on the ropes. While public support for the role of industrial hemp is widening, it is still not wholesale. There are many in government, agriculture, and private industry who shy away from industrial hemp in any form because of its taxonomy — it is, after all, labeled cannabis.
But most American farmers are now convinced that cultivating hemp on a large scale may be the only thing that will keep the family farm from disappearing off the face of the earth. Hemp is so versatile, and is still being investigated by researchers who have yet to scratch the surface of its potential, that it is already considered the perfect environmentally-friendly substitute for petrochemicals. It has been shown to be an effective fertilizer on depleted fields and can be made into lubricants as well as durable fabrics that break down organically and will never add to any landfill.
But with the rise of the TBH industry, lobbying efforts in the United States and other hemp-hostile countries is turning the tide. Today it’s possible to find a large variety of hemp products, both in the United States and abroad. Plastic made out of hemp is being turned into water bottles and the soles of work boots. And there’s great potential for the discarded portions of hemp plants, after they’ve been turned into fabric and chemicals, to be compacted into fuel pellets that produce almost no greenhouse gas.
Wall Street is investing consistently in industrial hemp companies. And where Wall Street goes, the public usually follows.