Why Organic Soaps Are Better For Your Health

As the environment starts to be a presiding issue on a global level, people are taking into account the negative impacts highly processed soaps have. There are hundreds of chemicals found in non-recyclable soap dispensers world wide. Helen Lee Schifter, an expert in wellness and organic matters, records to everyone that they switch over to cleaner ingredient products.

Shampoos and conditioners can be loaded with products that hurt the earth. If you are near your bathroom, go ahead and grab a bottle of shampoo or soap. If you can read and understand more than three ingredients, you’re in the clear. So many small businesses have high quality, organic products that are great for a person’s body and the environment. These chemicals can be harmful in the long run. They can cause rashes, breakouts, and even wrinkles. Damaging our skin just for a lower priced product should not have to be an issue. Climate change is real, so it’s important that the products we use on our skin are also beneficial to the planet. Helen Lee Schifter always checks her products’ ingredients before making any purchases. You should!