Treating Adult Acne  

Helen Schifter’s Acne Removal and Treatment Tips

Acne can be devastating to your self-esteem, making it difficult to face the world with confidence. If you suffer from acne, it’s important to make an effort to clear up your skin before it interferes with your life too much. For the best results, you may want to consider trying Helen Schifter’s acne removal and treatment tips, which are designed to help you get rid of acne once and for all.

Best Treatments

The best treatments for acne removal focus on naturally exfoliating your skin. Do a quick google search of Helen Schifter natural exfoliants and you’ll find recipes for face masks from almost every kitchen ingredient you can think of.

Here is one of my favorites

Honey-Lemon Face Mask: Honey is a great natural cleanser for acne-prone skin—lemon juice helps reduce inflammation and brightens your complexion. Mix together 2 teaspoons each of honey and lemon juice, apply to a clean face, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Best Products

While there are dozens of products out there that claim to help acne sufferers, not all of them work. With so many options available, knowing which products will do what you need is difficult. As an acne sufferer herself, Helen knows what works—and what doesn’t—when it comes to treating acne. Based on her years of trial and error, she recommends only three skincare products for removing acne Clean & Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent, Neutrogena Oil-Free Salicylic Acid Night Cream with Benzoyl Peroxide and La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo Dual Action Acne Cleanser (shown above).

For daytime use, choose a cleanser or lotion with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide; most dermatologists recommend using a topical treatment every night to prevent acne from coming back during sleep. If you have oily skin or large pores that get clogged easily, choose a gel formulation instead of one in a creamy base. For best results when using these products together, wash your face before bedtime using a mild cleanser while avoiding any kind of scrubbing motion around acne breakouts.

Wash Your Face Properly

While exfoliators help improve skin, they shouldn’t be used too often. If you use them too frequently, you can actually damage your skin by loosening dead skin cells that then clog pores. Once or twice a week is recommended for regular exfoliation, with once every few days if you have sensitive skin. However, there are still some important things to keep in mind when using an exfoliator. For one thing, it’s probably not a good idea to scrub your face before bed if you want to look less tired than usual when you wake up.

Use Exfoliators Properly

Many acne treatments rely on exfoliators to remove dead skin cells, which are often clogged with sebum, causing acne. But while exfoliators are effective when used properly, they must also be applied correctly. When applying an exfoliator, always make sure to use a very gentle hand; using too much pressure can actually increase irritation by breaking open old breakouts. Helen Schifter believes it is also important to always wash your face right after using an exfoliator.