The Dangers of Mold in Your Home

Mold can be an annoying and potentially hazardous issue for homeowners. It can irritate eyes, nose and throat, leading to breathing difficulties.

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to prevent mold from growing in your home. These include controlling moisture levels, keeping humidity low and allowing the sun to come in.

Water Damage

If your home has suffered a significant water leak, there is an increased likelihood that mold will grow there. Mold generally thrives in moist and humid environments.

Water damage can be caused by a number of things, from a burst pipe to an extensive flood. The key is to fix the leak promptly and take steps towards restoration.

After the leak has been repaired, it is necessary to dry all wet materials in your home. This includes flooring, drywall and ceiling materials.

The sooner you take these steps, the less likely it is that mold growth and biohazard contamination will take place in your home.

After a recent water leak, you may have noticed black stains on walls, floors or ceiling. If you are uncertain, call in an expert to inspect these spots; often times black mold is hidden places that you cannot see.

High Humidity

Humidity is a natural byproduct of hot, humid weather but can become an issue if not controlled properly. Not only will it impact your comfort level and health, but it may also cause serious structural damage to your home if left unchecked, not to mention destroying all your mold prevention steps.

To reduce moisture in your home, ensure it is properly ventilated. This will help reduce moisture buildup and dry out wet areas faster.

One of the telltale signs that your home has high humidity levels is excess condensation on windows or stains on walls and ceilings. You may also detect musty odors.

Mold can thrive in humid environments and spreads easily through microscopic spores. This can lead to increased asthma and allergy symptoms as well as poor indoor air quality.

Water can also damage wood floors and walls, causing them to swell, rot, peel and deteriorate. This leads to costly repairs as well as much inconvenience.

Low Temperature

Mold may seem like an outdoor issue, but it can actually occur indoors as well. Mold thrives in places with high levels of moisture such as wood panels or drywall, insulation, cardboard boxes and ceiling tiles.

Mold can get its food sources from the air, such as dust, pollen and other microscopic particles that are imperceptible to us humans. While mold spores can be an issue both inside and outside your home, they become particularly risky during winter when there’s plenty of moisture due to extra rain, melting snow, ice and oppressive humidity.

If you discover mold in your home, the best course of action is to clean it up promptly. Mixing bleach and water together will allow you to scrub away mold without further damaging surfaces. However, if there are large areas of growth, professional assistance may be required for permanent removal. Be sure to wear non-porous gloves and protective eyewear when scrubbing, as well as open windows or doors for fresh air during this process.

Lack of Oxygen

Mold can grow in your home, making it harder to breathe and leading to hypoxemia or hypoxia. A lack of oxygen in the bloodstream can manifest as symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, and fatigue.

Mold can also have detrimental effects on pets. Pets typically have weaker immune systems than their human counterparts, making them particularly susceptible to exposure to mold spores.

Mold exposure can manifest itself in symptoms such as itching, sneezing, runny nose and coughing. People who are allergic to mold may also experience respiratory distress and a skin rash.

To prevent mold growth in your home, ensure there aren’t any moisture issues present. Water leaks, flooding or damp drywall can all lead to the growth of mold if left unchecked. If you notice any of these signs, act quickly to get them fixed.