How Long Will My Head itch After Lice Are Gone?

When you have a head lice infestation, you will naturally wonder how long will my head itch after lice are gone. In many cases, the answer is a short period of time. However, when you have a heavily infested area or if you have had many other people come in contact with the problem, the answer can be much longer. Usually, it takes about a week or so for a head lice problem to go away. This is true whether you have a head lice problem or not.

Most people are more concerned with how long will my body smell after I have had a head lice problem. You may be concerned that you will be doing something to yourself because of the embarrassment that comes with having body odor. Fortunately, lice do not carry any diseases or parasites. They simply attach themselves to the human body and then live there while feeding on the blood of humans and animals.

They will remain until you Rid of it

Once the lice have attached themselves to your scalp, they will remain there until you get rid of them. They will stay there as eggs, waiting for their host to either scratch them off or suck on the glue that holds them to the body. The eggs will hatch in about two weeks and then the new lice will be ready to join the rest of the bugs in the hair and scalp. A single louse will usually feed on an average of one to two heads at a time. The bugs mature and leave the host’s head, leaving behind a few sticky little critters which then attach themselves to the skin on the outside of the hair.

It varies from person to person

How long will my head itch after lice are gone varies from person to person, but the process is similar in every instance. After the bugs have been fed on the host, they fall off to the ground and begin to stink, sometimes emitting a sweetish odor. This stench attracts other lice and makes them want to join the feast. Soon, the entire head is infested and soon, it will become extremely difficult to cure. If the head is scratched too much while the lice are living on it, the lice may never have been there in the first place.

It is natural to ask how long will my head itch after lice are gone when dealing with a problem like this. There are no real cures for head lice at the present time, though there are medications available that can be used in some instances. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that some medications can actually make the lice worse. As long as the lice are treated before they begin to spread, there is little need to worry about the question “how long will my head itch after lice are gone?”

How much times required?

Once a person has been rid of the lice, they may wonder how long will my head itch after lice are gone? It will usually take at least a week or two for the body to get rid of all of the lice that were residing on a person’s head. However, some people experience slight discomfort from having a few lice in their heads. This mild discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter products such as shampoos or powders. Since lice are part of normal head hygiene, these products can be quite helpful.

How much time needs for re-grow

If someone wants to know how long will my head itch after lice are gone, they may also want to find out how long it will take for the head to re-grow its own hair. The reason for this is because once a person sheds the lice, they will have a new head to replace them. People often ask if it will take a couple of months to grow out a new head after they have been rid of the lice. This can be a very accurate estimation, depending upon the person’s body and personal hygiene. It would take much longer for those with large, bushy scalps to grow out a new head after they have been rid of the lice.


The best way to answer the question “How long will my head itch after lice are gone?” is to be sure that one is rid of all of the lice that have attached themselves to one’s head. People can prevent head lice from attaching themselves by washing their hair regularly. They can also be treated for lice by combing their hair in different directions to remove lice and their eggs.