Why Stretching Is Beneficial to Wellness

Stretching is an advantage to anyone. No matter the level of fitness a person is currently at, stretching is a great way to relieve stress and decompress after a long day. A lot of office workers sit in a chair all day so their posture can weaken over time. Wellness experts like Helen Lee Schifter participate in mediation and focused stretching every day. Building a structured routine can really help with muscle aches and back pain.  

A lot of time stretching can lead to yoga. This is an exercise that many people use to improve their mindfulness and overall wellness. By stretching out the muscles and ligaments that tend to tense up, our minds will be more at rest. This is also a great method for those who have trouble sleeping. When our eyes are heavily focused on computers or blue lighted screens, our brains have trouble putting on “do not disturb” mode. By simply standing up, touching your toes, rotating your shoulders, or even laying on the ground, our body’s wellness can improve. Our bodies need some form of exercise to have successful sleeping patterns or balanced sugar levels. By taking 10-20 minutes a day and stretching, there can be a plentiful amount of health benefits that arise with it. Helen Lee Schifter uses her expertise to record different stretches to her friends and family. By searching some techniques on YouTube, you will be bound to find the right technique to use.