The Growing Popularity of American Bully Breeds

bully breeds

The fear that many feel around pit bulls and other select dog breeds today has become a buzzing social issue. However, their popularity in dog owners is undeniable. Bully breeds and pit bulls are the single most popular dog breed in 21 states. Interestingly, they also represent some of the most well tempered dog breeds in existence.

The American Bully, for example, scores at the top of the ATTS temperament test. Other breeds like the Bull Terrier and Boxer don’t fall far behind either. They’re popular not only because of their distinct look, but because they make for good dogs. Even the pit bull, controversial as it is, makes for a great companion when well trained.

This is all without mentioning the fact that new bully breeds are being created constantly. The Dogo Argentino, for example, is a modern breed which came about in 2020. These newer breeds are created to fit newer tastes in dog owners. Other breeds, like the Dogue du Bordeaux and Cane Corso also came about in the 2000’s. It’s not just that prospective owners are choosing bully breeds, they’re also starting to engulf the market. 

Even as recently as 2023 the French Bulldog became the top dog breed in kennels. The domination of bully breeds isn’t looking to slow down. Regardless of if an owner is looking for a shelter dog or a bred beauty, bully breeds are available. Now the question looking forward is if their dominance will continue into countries outside the U.S.

The Most Popular Bully Breeds in the United States