Ever since the Covid- 19 pandemic swept the nation, the public has looked to the expert opinions of trusted medical professionals. These professionals quickly began the task of debunking risk factors, safety procedures and to keep updated on the rapidly changing virus that catapulted the world into a new normal. Among them, Dr. Cory Harow, an emergency specialist in Boynton Beach FL, has been vocal about providing the public with various tips and facts that could assist with the management of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Through his numerous interviews he expressed that prevention of the spread should be the “goal” we as a community are striving for. Now, with life moving towards the normalcy of pre-pandemic life, the question of how the public can move forward, in regards to health and safety, is at the forefront of people’s minds.
During this time of transition, Dr. Harow is once again on the front lines, encouraging the public to be responsible citizens to assist each other during the reopening by taking healthy and safety precautions to help everyone stay sanitary after the pandemic. Here are Dr. Cory Harow’s five tips to help the public stay healthy:
1. Wash Your Hands
This may seem like an unnecessary reminder however, washing your hands is essential in preventing the spread of germs. To ensure you are washing your hands thoroughly, use soap, and rinse your hands under water for at least 20 seconds. In between hand washing make sure to use sanitizer to keep your hands clean.
2. Wear A Mask
With societies returning privileges also comes the assumption that masks are no longer required when in public places due to lowering case numbers and the rising administration of the Covid- 19 Vaccine. Despite these factors, wearing a mask becomes an essential part of the new normal as masks help prevent the spread of infections if people are ill. wearing a mask in public spaces not only protects the wearer of the mask it protects those in the vicinity as well.
3. Disinfect Touched Surfaces
All common touched surfaces such as phones, keyboards, tables, chairs etc., should be disinfected regularly as all of these surfaces carry germs. Making sure to wipe down these areas daily will go a long way towards the prevention of another pandemic.
4. Maintaining Social Distancing
Although vaccines are being distributed to millions, this does not mean that COVID-19 is gone. The virus is still actively infecting hundreds of people and is not likely to go anywhere any time soon. For this reason it is still in the public interest to be wise about where they are going and which social activities they would like to engage in.
5. Stay at Home if You are Sick
Needless to say that one thing the pandemic has taught us all is the importance of taking care of each other. one simple way we can do that is by staying home when we are feeling sick to avoid spreading germs onto others. It is better to miss days at work then it is to go in and possibly infect others.
With these tips provided by Dr. Cory Harow on how to help maintain sanitary standards as we adjust to post-pandemic life, the public can move forward with less worry about the near future.