The COVID-19 pandemic has seen many professionals move towards working from home. EY notes that remote working is likely to be the norm for professionals from now going forward, even after the world has figured how to deal with the virus problem. Remote workers can be found all over from SEO companies like Yeah! Local to giant enterprises like Amazon and Google. Remote work has become the accepted paradigm for many workers. However, despite remote work being so prevalent, there’s still a looming shadow dogging the steps of every work-from-home professional – how to remain healthy while working from home?
Develop a Routine
One of the first things you probably did when you became a work-from-home employee was to forget about your morning routine. Some of us have completely forgotten about the idea of a routine, and while that’s fine for some, it can have a negative effect on others. Having dedicated times for working and for relaxation is a crucial way to establish boundaries in your profession. Workers who go to an office already have that built into their routines, but when you stop having to go in, it means you lose that clearly defined space. The result is that you become overwhelmed and feel like work is never-ending. The Muse mentions that the ideal remote work schedule sees you leaving work the same time you would if you were working at the office.
Set Aside Time for Yourself
One thing becomes apparent quickly as a remote worker – your ability to manage your time. Scheduling time away from work doesn’t just mean stepping out to your couch to watch something on the TV. Leaving your home occasionally to do fun things is essential as well. Even if it’s just a stroll in your backyard, the presence of sunshine will do wonders to help you with your sanity.
Don’t Forget to Exercise
Sure, gyms may still be closed in your area, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid exercising. Exercise is a crucial part of staying healthy because it allows you to get your body pumping blood and build muscle. Working at an office means commuting or driving to and from work as well as walking around your workplace. That, by itself, burns more calories than you think and keeps your heart pumping. However, remote workers are usually sedentary, and they don’t get that same amount of exercise. Even if it’s just half an hour of cardio a day, start exercising. Your long-term health depends on it.
Stay Healthy and Live Longer
The media focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic, but it neglects to mention how many people die for things like heart disease and diabetes daily. While everyone is focused on the virus’s impact, few are noting the other deadly lifestyle diseases that contribute heavily to the death toll. Many of these diseases can be avoided with a little daily exercise and a solid routine that helps you keep yourself sane. Take care of yourself, because you do matter.