Helen Lee Schifter on Wellness in the age of COVID-19

4 Workouts to Try This Year

Helen Lee Schifter has written extensively about the the need for people to take the subjects of health and wellness far more seriously than they presently are. Her writing well pre-dated the Coronavirus outbreak; but the outbreak and the nature of the health pandemic only serves to underscore the importance of educating the public of the need to lead healthy lifestyles.

As Helen Lee Schifter has posited, too many people seem to neglect health and wellness as priorities, in terms of the need to incorporate them into their everyday lives. This is an incredibly unfortunate narrative; and something that has got to stop if we are to continue to build a healthy and productive society. Certainly, in some cases, the onus is on lawmakers and government officials to educate the public – and in particular young people of the importance of leading healthier lifestyles.

When one looks at the obesity epidemic plaguing American society – it is having a particularly devastating and damaging impact on the youth of the nation. Thankfully there have indeed been public figures like former first lady Michelle Obama who have taken the initiative to shed light on this awful but very important pandemic. There needs to be curriculum that’s instituted in the classroom so that our youth are taught of the importance of health and its failings from a very young age.

Helen Lee Schifter in Thrive Global has written about the need for such education and enlightenment to begin at the youngest age possible, when people are still growing and developing. Indeed, it’s important for one to get a head-start on taking care of his or her health needs so that there isn’t an issue later on in life.

Health needs require education first and foremost so that people can understand and appreciate the importance of addressing their health concerns. But beyond that, leading a healthy lifestyle needs to involve regular incorporation of healthy living. For instance, the way fitness and working out is traditionally viewed by societal norms is actually somewhat skewed from what it is in reality.

Instead of intensity, the value and quality of a workout in terms of the constructive effects it can have on one’s health is gauged and measured according to the consistency of the workout. There’s a common misconception that is perpetuated that somehow it’s in fact the intensity of the workout that is all that matters; and that if you don’t sweat, that means you haven’t accomplished much in the way of enhancing your health fitness-wise.

There are other misconceptions that ought to be dispelled. For instance, the fact that the gym is the hub and venue of where working out can take place. But in fact, not everyone has access to a gym; and there’s no need or reason to limit people in such a way in terms of their ability to be able to maintain healthy and consistent fitness regimens. So instead, fitness should be viewed as extending well beyond the gym.

In fact, it can and should be incorporated in one’s everyday life. Instead of taking transportation to work (whether public or private) one can walk, or even jog. Maybe take a break every now and then in your day to do some push-ups; pull-ups or the like.

And then of course there are dietary concerns. People want to maintain a healthy diet but are under the misimpression that would require sacrificing the quality of foods one nourishes. Once again, this is not true. Thanks to various developments, there are so many organic and healthy offerings across multiple different cuisines. These should be taken advantage. In today’s day and age there is no reason for not leading a healthy lifestyle, where health and wellness are indeed valued, prized and emphasized.