It won’t be too long before the great Australian summer comes around again and if your kids are an active bunch, it might seem challenging to find suitable things to do as a family. We all know that boredom usually results in bad behaviour of some sort and if you are looking for engaging outdoor activities for your kids in the coming summer months, here are a few ideas.
- Team sports – There’s nothing more compelling than playing a sport you love and when you are part of a team, sacrifices have to be made, which is good for building character. Playing sports competitively brings many benefits and your child will be devoting their energy to something positive.
- Kids workshops – Take a look at The Athletic Buddha, a leading Australian kids activity provider where your kids can get into handicrafts, song and dance and just about anything else. Run by experienced teachers, the sessions are all fun-based and designed to reveal those hidden talents that might be lurking inside. There are some great wet-weather projects to engage the kids and the classes are held on Saturday and Sunday, plus there are intense summer holiday courses for the long summer break.
- Fishing – We should all strive to make a connection with nature and there’s something about fishing; you either love it or hate it. If your child shows an interest, take them along to the nearest river or lake and if they are old enough, book a couple of places on a deep-sea fishing expedition. Click here for information about not getting adequate sleep, which can have serious effects on our health.
- Visiting National Parks – Make it a family day out and you can spend an hour on the Internet and create some questions for your kids to answer. You could ask them to make a note of the different animals and birds they see, or ask about the trees, flora and fauna. It is obviously important that our children value and respect the natural environment and what better way to teach that than guided National Park outings.
- Weekend Camping – If the kids are on school holiday, why not choose a long weekend and head off in the SUV? A little searching with Google will help you find great destinations and camping is most definitely an adventure for kids of all ages. If camping isn’t your thing, you can book a nice resort on the beach and explore the local area on bikes.
- Whale Watching – If you happen to live in NSW, from May to November is whale watching season and if you have yet to experience whale watching, it really is an amazing experience and one to introduce to your teenage kids. The Humpback Whale population heads up to the warm, tropical waters off QLD to breed, then in July, August and September, the mothers come back with their calves, which is a sight to behold. For a 12-year-old, this is a learning experience that should ignite a love of nature and give them a unique opportunity to witness these majestic creatures close up.
There are many great family activities that you can line up for the summer and by spending quality time with the family, you will be refreshed and recharged, ready for work.