Nursing homes have been impacted by COVID-19 in a massive way. Controlling infection rates pre-COVID was challenging enough, but with the havoc left in the wake of a global pandemic, nursing homes are crumbling under pressure.
Infection has always been a dominant cause of death in nursing homes—infections like UTIs, respiratory infections, and soft tissue infections. Before COVID, the medical staff was able to prevent many cases of infection. Without nurses, the infection rates skyrocket.
This issue is worsening as the strain on medical staff creates a vicious cycle of higher stress leading to quitting, leading to even greater pressure. Studies show most nurses in the U.S feel undervalued, overwhelmed and stressed. Stressed nurses lead to forgetting basic hygiene practices like washing hands. Additionally, nurses report unprofessional behavior, like bullying or incivility in bosses, managers, or peers.
These tribulations are crushing nursing homes. 15 percent of the nursing home workforce have left their positions since COVID began due to the conditions. More than half of all nursing home workers have considered or intend to quit in the next 6 months.
Learn more about how the impact of proper infection control prevention can positively impact the future of nursing homes in the infographic below: