Time Management Skills

Effects of Various Time Management Skills

Time management is linked to reduced stress and higher productivity. The term time management can be used interchangeably with mind management, attention management or self management. No matter your personal lifestyle or occupation, the development of effective time management skills is a direct source of success.

Tackling goals and creating strategies that lead to the completion specified of tasks is a major proponent of effective time management. Business professionals like Alexander Djerassi and others can contribute their success to great time management.

Top Time Management Skills

Below are multiple strategies on how to be more efficient, along with insight from business professionals relating to time management. No matter the size of projects on the table, priorities and focus are tips that aid in better self management.

Plan the Day the Night Before

Before the end of each day, spend time writing out a list of tasks to be completed the next day. No matter the items on the list, the goals of each task should be for the purpose of professional and personal development. This strategy prevents stress and worrying in the morning when it comes to delegating the day’s work.

Start the Day with the Most Important Tasks

Otherwise known as MIT the most important tasks set out the night before should be at the top of the list for completion the following day. Determination of this task is centered around an activity that will drive your professional or personal development, or have the most impact on your work. Small efforts compounded on a daily basis drive long term success. Oftentimes there is temptation to complete the easiest activities first, resisting this temptation and approaching larger tasks first guarantees momentum and long term satisfaction.

Track Your Time

Scheduling is crucial when it comes to task completion. Creating time constraints forces us to finish activities in a more focused matter. Forming deadlines around work will dramatically shift how much time you’ll have available for other activities. The best way to practice this skill would be to set a timer when confronted with a task. The time frame which you set to complete the task creates a sense of urgency that will result in higher efficiency.

Symptoms of Stress Caused by Poor Time Management

Below are a few symptoms correlated with poor time management:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Mood swings
  • Tiredness
  • Memory block
  • Fatigue

Industry Insight on Self Management

Foreign policy expert and entrepreneur Alexander Djerassi provides valuable insight in regards to effective time management strategies. As the chief policy officer and founder of Mos.com, he helped build a college affordability service from the ground up.

Each of the time management strategies mentioned can lead to a reduction in stress. High levels of stress for some may be preventing a healthy lifestyle. Managing your time well takes a lot of stress out of everyday life.