Helen Schifter believes that the COVID-19 pandemic has actually instigated a healthy and constructive conversation about how we take care of ourselves, within the context of health and wellness. Pre-dating the pandemic there were all sorts of health issues that although had gotten some attention among certain precincts of the media, that attention had been relatively limited. For instance, the obesity pandemic is a subject that certainly captured the attention of the public – in no small part due to the promotion of former First Lady Michelle Obama.
According to those like Helen Schifter, there needs to be more prominent, well-recognized and respected public figures taking a courageous stance to transmit the message about health and wellness to the masses. Until this happens, problems will continue to arise in the areas of health. Of course, in a more general sense, there has been an abdication of responsibility on the part of public health officials and certainly on the part of our lawmakers and policy officials, for not raising these issues sooner.
A person’s physical health should be his or her top priority. Period. End of story. There should be no further debate about that. And it certainly should not be a point of contention. Instead, there should be an understanding that one’s health needs to take priority over all else. And of course, with good reason. Now let’s discuss what constitutes one’s “health.”
First, of course there is physical health, as Helen Schifter has expressed. And there are various ways one can go about ameliorating and improving one’s physical health. For one, they can resort to fitness and maintaining an impressive regimen that is consistent, thorough and in some ways relentless. This is important and something that each and every person should seek to incorporate into their day-to-day routines.
What constitutes fitness? In some ways, this is of course a philosophical questions, as there are so many different ways one can pursue fitness alternatives and opportunities. Traditionally of course, fitness is viewed as work-out activities that take place on a somewhat regular basis in the gymnasium. Whether with or without a trainer; with or without an instructor, such workouts can prove to be very helpful and useful in providing an outlet for one being sure to stay in tip-top physical shape. But there are some misunderstandings associated with working out and with their effectiveness, that are worthy of being disspelled.
For instance, there exists an idea that the value of working out or a respective work-out should be gauged based on the intensity of the work-out. We’ll often hear those in society and in the media talk about the need to get a “proper sweat” during a work out. This of course, is not reality. The quality of a workout and the ultimate constructive consequences that it can have on one’s physical health in fact don’t have to do with the intensity at all.
Instead, the main and fundamental variable in play instead of intensity, is the consistency and regularity with which one goes about working out. How often is someone working out? How regularly are they going about the routine. Are they working out on a monthly basis or are they working out several times a week? It’s consistency that is the unparalleled factor and variable here that outshines all other factors – including but not limited to, intensity.
Then of course, there are other ways one can workout besides for inside his or her local gym. Of course, walking can be tremendously cathartic and fruitful to one’s physical, emotional and mental health. Jogging and running can similarly help stimulate such positive emotions that can be very valuable. And then of course, there’s the idea of analyzing one’s daily routine and trying to find ways to incorporate fitness into it . Not fitness in the specific sense of the word; but instead, in the general sense of the word.
For instance, there should be an understanding that if one walks to work or their place of employment instead of driving or taking a form of public transportation, that can actually be a very positive change in one’s routine. The same of course is true of jogging or running. And then of course there are one’s eating habits, which in some cases are a sensitive discussion to have – but whatever they may be, it’s certainly a discussion that is worthwhile having.
One needs to be conscious and fully aware of what they are eating. The quote “you are what you eat” has a lot more truth to it than one might initially believe. It might indeed sound cliche, but that doesn’t diminish its veracity. So be cautious and conscious when consuming foods and nutrients. One needs to be able to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. That by no means means compromising on the quality or the tastes of the foods one eats. But it does mean being openly aware of these issues that directly relate to the type of diet one maintains.
Helen Schifter is a health and wellness expert with a strong desire to help continue this important dialogue.