From time to time, a majority of persons in the health industry will come to a consensus that certain natural products provide some form of comparably extraordinary benefits. For a time, at least before adequate research is done, these products dominate the market and can have unintended effects for those who get caught up in what might only truly be a fad.
Coconut-oil is one of these products. Coconut oil is derived from coconut kernels that are dried or tender and is tasteless and colourless oil. It has been purported to be beneficial in skin care by enhancing its protective barrier functions and having an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also said to be useful for softening lips, reducing wrinkles and being an effective moisturizer. It has been used in various beauty products such as shampoos, hair oils, conditioners, sunscreen, and serum.
Coconut Oil is also agreed to have a good effect on one’s health and diet by increasing good cholesterol, controlling blood sugar, reducing stress, fighting candida and even reducing asthma symptoms (in rabbits). The truth is that most of these health claims come from tests that have been done on animals. However, there is one study, which consisted of 60 female participants with breast cancer, which found that consumption of virgin coconut oil helped improve their quality of life during treatment.
One of the simplest and most widely accepted benefits is that it does wonders for your hair. It has a low molecular weight and can therefore penetrate easily into the hair shaft. This quality also makes it easier to absorb than other common oils. It also helps the hair to retain protein. It can be used for scalp treatment, as a detangler, and even for styling.
However, like all popular, well-loved products, there is a less-discussed aspect of this product.
One of the major issues is that coconut-oil actually contains over 80% saturated fat. Saturated fats have been linked with cardiovascular and other diseases. Saturated fat increases low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol levels or ” bad cholesterol”. However, the structure of the saturated fat in coconut oil consists of medium-chain triglycerides ( MCT) and MCT oils, specifically lauric acid found in coconut oil, is associated with an increase in HDL, or high-density lipoprotein ” good cholesterol”. Despite this fact, health officials advise that it should still be considered as saturated fat and should not exceed the USDA’s daily recommended intake amount.
Clearly, the nutrition profile has some level of ambiguity. For instance, while Coconut oil contains vitamin E, it has no fiber and little to no other vitamins or minerals.
It is however important to note that not all coconut oils are the same, and the health impact may vary according to what type it is.So, before you and your ladies show up to your next event venue with your hair and skin moisturized thoroughly with coconut oil, it is probably best to take a second look at what benefits you are actually getting from this particular oil.