Joanna Borov opens up about her battle with endometriosis and creates a website for fashion models who also struggle with health problems.

The post-pandemic fashion world is going through some severe changes. Recent years have brought attention to body positivity, mental health, and other aspects that were sadly neglected for a long time. Extreme demands from models and pressure caused physical and psychological health problems.

Joanna Borov, a Polish-born model, was diagnosed with endometriosis. She decided to open up about her condition and officially joined the club of celebrities with endometriosis, where are already Chrissy Teigen and Halsey.

Joanna used her experience to create Pansy Cloud -the first in the world website for fashion models who also struggle with health conditions. It’s a community with health advice, solutions, and support groups. The model also has a plan to facilitate medical access, especially in gynecology and mental health.

Fashion is a highly competitive and demanding industry, and models who additionally struggle with health problems have it more difficult. They shouldn’t be excluded; on the contrary, they should receive understanding and encouragement. “People often follow models, imitate their behaviors, hairstyles, and the way they dress. But models are just humans who also have problems, including health battles. I hope that opening a dialog about health struggles helps not only models but also other women who can get inspiration and feel that they are not alone,”- said the creator of the Pansy Cloud, Joanna Borov.

Photos Jac Wong