The coronavirus global pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, with many of us adopting the new norm- using disposable gloves and masks to avoid the risk of getting infected. People are also embracing the idea of ordering takeaway food from restaurants to eat safely at their homes’ comfort.
The rise in consumption of plastic and disposable products during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions has led to environmental degradation. Although carbon dioxide emission has fallen by 4.6% due to the closure of industries and aviation, the challenge of water and plastic pollution is still a significant issue.
It is usual for human beings to feel that they have a lot more to bother them than staying environmentally conscious. However, with the simple eco-friendly tips mentioned in this post, businesses can still play a part without taking too much time, resources or effort. Read on to stay eco-friendly during COVID-19.
Invest in a Reusable Face-Mask
A recent study reveals that approximately 194 billion disposable gloves and masks are being used every month. A lot of these masks end up in landfills or being incinerated. Even if they are disposed of correctly, they still contribute to environmental pollution.
It is evident that masks are here to stay, and the only way people can adopt using them is by finding those that they look great in or, instead, those that they don’t hate. Masks can be uncomfortable, especially during hot summer but learning how to wash them correctly could be of great benefit.
Reusable face masks are available everywhere and are very cheap. Of course, the reusable face masks do not apply to frontline health care workers who must use personal protective equipment in their line of work.
Use Refillable Soap Dispensers & Sanitzers
Mostly this practice applies to modern businesses but should be for anyone who has a hand sanitizer at work or home. The sanitizer comes in small bottles that don’t last long, leaving business owners to repurchase them regularly.
The plastic bottles add up as waste. Instead, businesses and individuals should consider investing in sanitizer stations or dispensers. Refilling your sanitizer is better for the environment as well as economically.
Shop at Stores that Make it Easy to Reduce Waste
If you are serious about being environmentally conscious during this period, buying your disinfectants or other goods in refillable jars is the best thing to do. There is a store where individuals can take in their clean containers to refill and weigh bulk food, soaps, and spices.
The technique here is to keep the empty containers clean for unconstrained eco-friendly shopping whenever possible.
Invest in Biodegradable Goods
Social distancing rules lead to more people staying indoors, leaving them to consume more goods at home and using biodegradable goods like biodegradable diapers, toothbrushes, and rubbish bags.
People can also take tote bags along to the grocery stores to avoid using plastic bags. Supermarkets should also adopt using smaller reusable bags more than the typical disposable plastic bags.
Helen Lee Schifter, a renowned editor and former trader on Wall Street, have been at the forefront in giving insights about enhancing the quality of life during the pandemic. She emphasizes the need to remain eco-friendly during these trying times.
With these few tips in mind, people worldwide have a reason to maintain a cleaner environment during the crisis. With cooperation and sensitization, environmental degradation during COVID-19 will be an issue of the past.