How To Reduce Germs In Your Kitchen

The best cabinet refacing will replace all your doors and drawer fronts in a beautiful way that gives your cabinets a fresh new look without the cost of replacing them. Kitchens are the most used rooms in the entire household, a place where family and friends gather. The familiarity of kitchens makes us feel content that we have a handle on the most likely places where germs are found and how to deal with them. 

Cabinet refacing may give your doors and drawers a much needed fresh, new look, but you need to do more to keep your kitchen free from germs. 

It is impossible to have a completely germ-free kitchen, but you can go a long way to having a very clean kitchen. Here are five areas of concern and how to reduce germs there. 

1. Vegetable Crisper

The crisper drawers of the refrigerator, which store your fruits and vegetables, are one of the top breeding grounds of bacteria in the household, carrying salmonella and listeria, as well as yeast and mold. 

To reduce germs in your refrigerator, clean out your refrigerator and wash the bins in warm, soapy water. Wipe down the crisper drawer handles with a microfiber cloth once a day. 

2. Meat Compartment and Deli Bin

Raw meat can introduce bacteria into your kitchen. This makes your meat and deli drawers fertile ground for the spread of germs. Meat and deli drawers can be lined with salmonella, yeast and mold, as well as E.coli. 

Clean your meat and deli drawers in warm, soapy water. Wipe down the handles with a microfiber cloth once a day. Properly organize your refrigerator to reduce the chances of cross-contamination. 

3. Blender Gaskets and Can Openers

Blenders, and can openers often go uncleaned because we assume they are impervious to germs. Unfortunately, that idea is wrong. Salmonella, E.coli yeast and mold often grow in blenders and can openers. 

After using your blender, take it apart and clean each individual item in warm, soapy water. Wash your can opener in warm, soapy water as well. If you have a dishwasher that takes blenders and can openers, you can clean them there instead. Only reassemble your blender when it is completely dry.  

4. Rubber Spatulas

Rubber spatulas can introduce germs such as E.coli, yeast and mold into your kitchen.

Take apart two-piece spatulas before cleaning them. If your dishwasher can take a spatula, you can clean it in there. Wooden-handled spatulas should, however, be washed by hand. After washing them, thoroughly dry them, before placing them in utensil canisters or drawers.

5. Food Storage Containers With Rubber Seals

Storage containers with rubber seals are another hothouse of salmonella, yeast and mold. It is vitally important to clean them carefully.

You want to wash rubber-sealed food storage containers in hot soapy water or in the dishwasher. If washing by hand, make sure to clean the area under the seal, as many germs lurk there.