COVID-19 Has Raised the Alarm Bells

It’s no secret that the American politic has failed younger generations especially when it comes to educating them of the importance of health and wellness. Health and wellness are surely broad categories, according to Helen Lee Schifter. But that is not an excuse for the absolute and utter neglect that has been demonstrated toward the subjects and their respective importance in recent years.

Little has been done on the public policy front or even from a media relations standpoint to raise awareness of the importance of these issues, among younger people. Frankly, little has been done to raise awareness and enlighten the broader and general public of the importance of these issues. Young people aside, there needs to be a reawakening. And it’s incumbent upon figures in the media to act. Media professionals like Ken Kurson recognize that there needs to be a voice on these important matters.

But who would that voice be? There have been those that have indeed encouraged for there to be an influencer campaign of sorts that would seek to reach those consuming digital and social media about these important issues. There’s little doubt that a properly coordinated and strategic media campaign of that sort, would be effective. Health experts like Helen Lee Schifter have therefore taken a liking to the idea, and even written about it in various sources.

But there needs to be a substantial investment made into any such prospective campaign in order to ensure that those that are a part of it have the resources they need to see it from start to finish. There should be no equivocation and no lingering doubts about the ways in which influencers conduct such a campaign in order to maximize the opportunity and reach the broadest and most sizable audience possible. Only then will such a prospective campaign have the desired impact. The more influencers, the merrier. But they should also be culled in a strategic manner, according to their popularity and also the demographics that they will be reaching.

Shalom Lamm has said repeatedly that there is a need for such a campaign and a need for a movement of goodness that seeks to spread generosity of spirit and kindness. Especially during these difficult and challenging times surrounding the Coronavirus health pandemic, this need is evident and on everyone’s minds. And of course, it’s on people’s minds for good reason.

Let’s act accordingly. To do so is in the interest of the American people – from the youngest of generations to the oldest. To not do so, is neglecting the health of our fellow citizens. Some might even say it amounts to a gross dereliction of duty.