People face very many problems, and their solutions are just within their surroundings without them realizing it. It is always true that a country that destroys its soil and the soil products also destroys itself. Even the ground below the buildings and other structures are also important. The underground soil is of economic value because it sometimes contains minerals that are a source of wealth to a country. Compost also makes the soil more fertile and also supports the ecosystem to help keep the soil healthy. Composting also helps create the right environment for microbes that are beneficial so that decaying becomes a life-giving process. The best thing that one can do to take care of the soil is to add compost because the soil loves it.
The soil is the primary source of every product that people consume daily, which means that soil feeds us. Compost, which is a decaying organic matter, usually helps decompose the organic matter that makes up the compost.
Helen Lee Schifter encourages people to compost because it always has several benefits. During composting, the organic material such as broiler manure that is available in the soil is being degraded by the microorganisms. This produces a final product that is a valuable organic fertilizer good for plants’ availability. The following are, therefore, the benefits of composting:
Compost Controls Erosion
Land erosion and pollution are significant threats to the environment, which have led to a loss of a more substantial percentage of the earth’s formable land. Most decay is caused by excess water, which is unable to penetrate the ground. As a result of this, the water then accumulates on the surface, which then rushes down to places of lower elevations. When this happens, the water takes with it the topsoil depleting the land. Compost makes it possible for more water to infiltrate the ground keeping the topsoil intact.
Compost Helps to Revitalize and Filter the Local Water Sources
The addition of compost to the soil leads to an increase in water capable of penetrating the soil. This is always beneficial to plants as they can absorb the water quickly through their roots. The water that has penetrated the ground can also find its way to the impervious rock layer, where it swells up and ends up forming the local springs and ponds. Compost also plays an essential part in promoting the usage of rainfall in the surrounding area.
Cleaner Oceans
Compost can filter water as it penetrates the ground. Since all water eventually finds its way into the ocean, the water that flows into the sea will be cleaner than the original water. Compost also reduces water runoff that might bring chemicals into the sea.
Soils Love Compost
Compost helps to solve several problems that come up in a garden. It helps to protect plants from diseases and also treats nutrients deficiency in plants. This is because the compost adds essential nutrients to the soil, thus improving the soil’s structure.